The dumplings are calling ...

Ok, so I'm off in two weeks to study Chinese in beijing for half a year. I'm starting to get really exited, and a fair bit nervous, but as long as I can hear the dumplings calling, I'll be fine :D

Looking forward to:
Dumplings, obviously!
... And the rest of the wonderful chinese cuisine
Learning Chinese well - being able to speak it almost fluently
Living with my new flatmates :D
Meeting new people
Buying the new iPhone ^^
Being able to buy spring rolls without ending up with cabbage soup, which was what happened last time I was there ^^
Getting visited by my friends, sister and boyfriend <3
Studying at China's finest university - and hopefully not being yelled at too much by the Chinese teachers ...

I'm having half a mental breakdown thinking about getting an apartment, though - but it'll probably turn out ok in the end - at least I don't have to find it all by myself, Xiao Wang and Xiao Ka will surely turn out to be great apartment hunters :D


  1. "Xiao Wang and Xiao Ka will surely turn out to be great apartment hunters :D "

    Haha, ja, jeg som er så modig av meg.

  2. Jeg skulle ønske jeg også kunne komme å besøke deg! Men pengene strekker dessverre ikke til når man også skal til Ghana.
    Men jeg gleder meg til å lese bloggen, for du skriver både godt og morsomt, og med bilder blir det som om jeg skulle ha vært der selv.
    Her har du for øvrig meg:
